
Neo Eboracense / New York

III Provincial Council; 1861 (2nd - 9th June)


Archbishop John Hughes of New York held this third Provincial Council at New York in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Mott Street (now the Basilica of Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral), with his suffragan bishops (John McCloskey [Albany], John Timon [Buffalo], John Bernard Fitzpatrick [Boston], Francis Patrick McFarland [Hartford], John Loughlin [Brooklyn] and James Roosevelt Bayley [Newark] and David William Bacon, [Portland]) as well as the Very Rev. Rev. Thomas Lynch, Vicar-General of Burlington, in representation of Bp. Louis de Goesbriand, Bishop of Burlington.

     Seven decrees were issued: (1) reiterated some duties of the clergy that are overlooked / neglected; (2) ordered a close watch over the church schools; (3) encouraged a more solemn celebration of the mass; (4) implemented more disciplined marriage rules; (5) ruled that church funds should be separate from all other funds; (6 & 7) tenure of church property.


QQ: The Metropolitan Record, June 8, 1861 and June 15, 1861; Concilium Provinciale Neo-Eboracense III, in: Mansi 48, 383-400.

Lit.: Smith, Church I 224-225; Shea, Shea, History of the Catholic Church in the United States 470-471; DizCon 3 (1965) 184-185 [S. Zollo].


Feighery, Kate

März 2019


Empfohlene Zitierweise:

Feighery, Kate, “III Provincial Council; 1861 (2nd - 9th June)" in: Lexikon der Konzilien [Online-Version], März 2019; URL: http://www.konziliengeschichte.org/site/de/publikationen/lexikon/database/3714.html