On 9 March 2024, in the fully occupied Aula Minor of the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce in Rome (here foto gallery 1 and fotogallery 2 and a videoclip), a commemorative publication in honour of Johannes Grohe was presented to him on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
The volume, entitled "Synodalis consonantia. Konziliengeschichte als Spiegelbild kirchlicher Diskussionskultur und Identitätsfindung", published by Aschendorff-Verlag Münster (https://www.aschendorff-buchverlag.de/detailview?no=25035), contains 40 contributions from the field of council history from the early church, the Middle Ages and modern times (⟶ table of contents). They were written by colleagues, friends and companions of the jubilarian, recognised experts in the study of the history of the councils. The commemorative publication was edited by Filippo Forlani/Rome, Ansgar Frenken/Ulm and Thomas Prügl/Vienna. The 773-page volume, which is thematically and thematically self-contained, thus represents a cross-section of current research into the history of councils, which "deliberately does not limit itself to individual epochs, regions and topics ... focuses on the synodal life of the church in its comprehensive historical realisation", according to the editors.
At the ceremony, Petar Vrankić, Vice President of the Gesellschaft für Konziliengeschichtsforschung e.V., Prof Stefan Heid, Director of the Roman Institute of the Görresgesellschaft and representatives of the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce paid tribute to the jubilarian for his multifaceted commitment in the service of conciliar history and academic life in Rome. Ansgar Frenken then spoke about Johannes Grohe's contribution to the study of late medieval council life, before Thomas Prügl presented the commemorative publication. Finally, Filippo Forlani interviewed the jubilarian and had him retrace important stages of his life and his academic career. Festive music (Mozart Divertimenti; Dvorčak, Miniature op. 75) provided a festive setting for the event. The subsequent champagne reception provided ample opportunity to discuss Johannes Grohe's human qualities and to congratulate him.