• 1973-1977 Studium der Geschichte am Tarrant County Junior College, Fort Worth.
  • 1977-1979 Studium der Geschichte an der University of Texas at Arlington, dort 1979 M.A. mit der Arbeit: St. Martin of Braga: His Times, Life, and Thought.
  • 1979-1986: Weiterstudium und Promotion zum Dr. phli. an der University of California-Santa Barbara. Thema der Dissertation: The Visigoths in Gaul and Spain A.D. 418-711: A Bibliography, 1986.
  • 1991-1998 Adjunt professor am Fuller Theological Seminary, Seattle.

  • Seit 2006 Full professor an der Seattle Pacific University.
  • 2006-2008 Adjunt professor an der University of Sacramento.
  • Seit 2007 Gastprofessor an der Universitad de Salamanca (Visiting Summer Professor/Lecturer)



Publikationen (Auswahl)



  • Alberto Ferreiro - Ephraim Nissan, Receptions of Simon Magus as an Archetype of the Heretic, London ecc. 2023 (Kindle Edition). 613 pp.

  • Epistolae Plenae, The Correspondence of the Bishops of Hispania with the Bishops of Rome Third through Seventh Centuries. Leiden 2020 (= The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World 74). 348 pp.
  • The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update): A Supplemental Bibliography, 2013-2015. Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, 63. E.J. Brill: Leiden 2016. xxxiv-303 p.
  • The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update): A Supplemental Bibliography, 2010-2012. Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, vol. 55. E.J. Brill: Leiden 2014. xxxiv-365 p.
  • The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update): A Supplemental Bibliography, 2007-2009. Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, vol. 45. E. J. Brill: Leiden 2011. xxxv-448 p.
  • The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia (Update): A Supplemental Bibliography, 2004-2006. Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, 35. E.J. Brill: Leiden 2008. xxviii + 308 p.
  • The Visigoths in Gaul and Iberia: (A Supplemental Bibliography, 1984-2003). Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World, vol. 28. E.J. Brill: Leiden 2006. liv + 890 p.
  • Simon Magus in Patristic, Medieval, and Early Modern Traditions. E.J. Brill: Leiden 2005 (= Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, 125).
  • The Visigoths in Gaul and Spain  A.D. 418-711: A Bibliography. E.J. Brill: Leiden 1988.  lxiv, 822 p. 


  • Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture. The Twelve Prophets, ed. Alberto Ferreiro. Intervarsity Press: Downers Grove (Ill.) 2003 (= Old Testament, 14]. Übers. in Spanisch, Italienisch, Russisch, Koreanisch und Chinesisch.
  • The Visigoths: Studies in Culture and Society, ed. A. Ferreiro, E.J. Brill: Leiden 1999 (= The Medieval Mediterranean: Peoples, economies and cultures, 400-1453 Series, volume 20).
  • The Devil, Heresy, and Witchcraft in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey B. Russell, ed. A. Ferreiro, E.J. Brill: Leiden 1998 (= Cultures, Beliefs, Traditions Series, 6).


  • Did Priscillian have a Manichaean View of Creation?, in: Synodalis consonantia. Konziliengeschichte als Spiegelbild kirchlicher Diskussionskultur und Identitätsfindung. FS Johannes Grohe zum 70. Geburtstag, hg. v. F. Forlani - A. Frenken - Th. Prügl, Münster 2024, 105-116.
  • The Bishops of Hispania and Pope Innocent I (401-417), in: Visigothic Symposium 3 (2018) 18-34.
  • Sufficit septem diebus: Seven Days Mourning the Dead in the Letters of St.  Braulio of Zaragoza, in: Studia Patristica 97 (2017) 255-264.
  • Pope Siricius and Himerius of Tarragona (385): an example of provincial papal intervention in the fourth century, in: The Bishop of Rome in Late Antiquity, Geoffrey D. Dunn (ed.).  Surrey: Ashgate, 2015, 73-85.

  • St. Constantine the Great and St. Helena in St. Vicent Ferrer's Catalán Sermon on Pope Sylvester, in: Saint Emperor Constantine and Christianity, 2 vols., Niš, Serbia, 2013, II: 251-264.
  • Simon Magus und Simon Petrus in der Basilika Vierzehnheiligen, in: Bericht   des  Historischen Vereins Bamberg 147 (2011) 229-241.
  • St. Braulio of Zaragoza’s Letter 21 to Pope Honorius I regarding lapsed baptized Jews, in: Sacris Erudiri 49 (2009) 75-95.

  • De prohibitione carnis: Meat Abstention and the Priscillianists, in: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 11 (2007 [2008]) 464-478.
  • Petrine Primacy, Conciliar Authority, and Priscillian, in: XXX Incontro dell’antichità Cristiana. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum, 78. Augustinianum, Rome. 3-5 May 2001 [2002], 631-645.
  • Simon Magus and Simon Peter in the Acts of Peter and the Passion of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, in: XXIX Incontro dell’antichità Cristiana, Augustinianum. Rome, 4-6 May, 2000, Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 74, 2001, 41-66.
  • Sueves and Martin of Braga: Historiography and Future Research Prospects, in: Suevos/Schwaben. Das Königreich der Sueben auf der Ibersichen Halbinsel (411-585). Coloquio Interdisciplinar. Universidade do Minho, Braga, 4-6 March 1996. Tübingen 1998, 37-62.
  • Linguarum diversitate: 'Babel and Pentecost’ in Leander's homily at the Third Council of Toledo, in:  XIV Centenario del Concilio III de Toledo 589-1989. Toledo 10-14, Mayo. Toledo 1991, 237-248.

  • The Omission of St. Martin of Braga in John of Biclaro's Chronica and the Third Council of Toledo.  in: Los Visigodos. Historia y Civilización. Actas de la Semana Internacional de Estudios Visigóticos.  21-25 October 1985, Madrid, Universidad de Murcia 1986, 145-148.
  • The Missionary Labors of St. Martin of Braga in 6th Century Galicia, in: Studia Monastica 23 (1981) 11-26.

Beiträge im Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum


  • Consecrated Women, Monks, and Priscillianism in the HIspano-Roman / Suevic-Visigothic Councils, in: AHC 51 (2021) 53-82.
  • De cura populorum et pauperum: Attending to the needs of the Poor in the Gallic and Hispano – Roman / Suevic – Visigothic Councils, in: AHC 49 (2018/2019) 71-96.
  • Quia pax et caritas facta est: Unity and Peace in Leander’s Homily at the Third Council of Toledo (589), in: Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 48 (2016-2017) 87-108.
  • Sanctissimus idem princeps sic venerandum concilium ad loquitur dicens: King Reccared’s Discourses at the Third Council of Toledo (589), in: AHC 46 (2014) 27-52.
  • Secundum quod sancta synodus: Advancing the Mission of the Church through   Conciliar Legislation after the Third Council of Toledo (589), in: AHC 44 (2012) 27-46.
  • The Theology and Typology of the Third Council of Toledo (589), in: AHC 40 (2008) 61-84.
  • The Iberian Church and the Papacy from the Fourth through Seventh Century: A Historiographical Reflection, in: AHC 37 (2005) 399-410.
  • Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and Auctoritas at the Second Council of Seville (619), in: AHC 35 (2003) 247-272; also in: I Padri e le Scuole Teologiche nei Concili. VII Convegno della Facoltà di Teologia della Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, 6-7 marzo 2003, Roma 2006, 263-288.
  • A Reconsideration of Celtic Tonsures and the Ecclesia Britoniensis in the Hispano-Roman Visigothic Councils, in: AHC 23 (1991) 1-10.

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  • Neutestamentliche Apogryphen
  • Patrologie (Autoren der Iberischen Halbinsel)
  • Geschichte des spanischen Westgotenreichs
  • Gallien in der Spätantike
  • Geschichte und Spiritualität des mittelalterlichen Mönchtums
  • Pilgerwesen
  • Hl. Vinzenz Ferrer